Hiking the Deschutes River

Dillon Falls – Bend, Oregon – September 2022

Dillon Falls – Bend, Oregon – September 2022

I’ve been hiking along the Deschutes River a lot this month. A day or two after I arrived in Bend, I realized a trailhead to miles of hiking is directly behind my townhome. And I don’t even have to get in the car!

The Deschutes (duh-shoots) is known as a moody river. For river rafters, it’s much like a rollercoaster. One moment the river is as clear as glass, then half a mile later the whitewater rapids are so wild. After a few more miles the river calms down through the heart of Bend, allowing people to float in a tube or kayak from one end of town to the other.

Almost everyone along the trails has a dog or two. Each time I go hiking, I see runners and mountain bikers. Everyone I cross paths with is extremely friendly. I really like that. Several locals gave me great advice on places to check out around the Bend area.

The most I’ve hiked at once was a 7-mile round trip down the river and back to my place. I did drive to the further trailhead at Benham Falls. But the best part of living right by the trail? My own personal shower waiting for me at the end!

I’ve created a photo gallery of favorites from my hikes along the Deschutes River. Enjoy!

Santa Monica Pier
Santa Monica Pier
Pacific Park
Pacific Park
Route 66 End of the Trail Sign
Venice Beach